How to Solve Benz SCN Coding Error Code : RDS-0001 and Code : 400001 ?
Benz SCN coding account is the access to Mercedes Benz online programming dealer service. Some friend maybe will get the error code RDS-0001/RDS-0008 and Code : 400001. Here EZobd2 share some knowledge about Benz SCN Coding Error Code.
Benz SCN Coding Error Code : RDS-0001 and Code : 400001 Showed:
EZobd2 Analysis :
When xentry diagnostic system showed tips Fault information ( Code:400001 ) / Fault information (Code: RDS_0008, 6, 3, 1, -8, -5, -4, -1), cannot do online coding. (00001) Error: 8.561.6067 and other codes.
Question: What does this mean? Can't make it up? Is the account locked? Software problems? Module problem?
Answer: This is your software locked. Nothing else!
Question: Help me out.
Answer: This fault is an advanced failure that needs to be resolved at a cost.
Question: How long will it take?
Answer: Half an hour to an hour depends on your Internet speed.
Question: Is it all right after this one, what's causing this?
Answer: This is caused by Mercedes-Benz's internal developer policy in the network channel.
We help you unlock the need to intercept a code during the service period and then do the file,
Then replace it with your computer, and then your computer can continue programming.
Intercept a passcode every time, so after this ,we recommend that you reload your laptop, otherwise you'll have to crack it again later.
When you got error above,you can connect us for help,we offer benz scn coding online account login via remote teamviewer and error fix.
Here is one client real experience about error fix and programming successfully finally.

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